The "master list"

This "searchable database" is a directory about African-American history in New Hampshire. The database has demographic information for people of interest.

Types of Events & Details

The types of Events and Details — not specific to any Person — are kept in a "master list" of names.

An Event Type — for example, "Marriage" — is just a word. It names a type of Event and Date. Details are similar. Both provide a structure for life history.

When you enter an Event or Detail for a Person, the "drop-down" lists are showing the "master list." This has all the Event Types and Detail Types that can be used for any Person. Behind the scenes, the database looks like this:


[Simple view of the database]

Add to the "master list"

Researchers can see the "master list" and add to it. A new "Type of Event" or "Type of Detail" can be added to the "master list" in two ways:

Once added to the "master list," a Type cannot be directly edited or deleted. To change or remove a "master list" entry, please submit a request via the Contact form.

If you add something to the "master list," please try to keep it generic. In theory, it should apply to a large number of people, not just one or a few.

For singular events — things like Birth, Marriage, or Death — that's obvious. Even the Event Type "About" is a singular observation that could apply to anyone.

However, other Event Types — like Military or Religion — are really categories. If we tried to list (as Events) all the military or religious events that could possibly occur, it would be a very long list! Instead, we provide a categorical name and allow the specific type to be entered as a Detail. That's what we mean by "keep it generic."

If you have any questions — especially about the "master list" — please contact us. We reserve the right to modify data entries, so as to maintain the integrity of the database.

Site map

Our "site map" (below) indicates the pages that appear on-screen to manage the database.


[Site map for the database]

As noted above, there are two ways to "Add Event Type" and two ways to "Add Detail Type".