
This "searchable database" is a directory about African-American history in New Hampshire. The database has demographic information for people of interest.

By Name of Person

Enter the name of a Person in "Search - By name" on the Main (Welcome) page. Only enter one word.

Hint: just enter part of a name. The database finds names that have those letters. For example, entering "ces" will find both Frances and Cesar.

This search does not depend on upper or lower case letters. It will look through all Name fields (Context, Person, and Alias). The result is a list of Persons.

By Event and/or Detail

To find Persons by what is known of their life histories, click "Search - By events & details" on the Main (Welcome) page.

A search may be for an Event (only), or a Detail (only), or both. If both are selected, they are joined with *AND* in between. For example, you can find people who were born in the 1700's *AND* lived in Portsmouth NH.

Events have a Type and a Date. Any search on Date uses a time period or "range" (after the FROM and before the TO). For a single Date, enter it in both FROM and TO.
Dates have a "YYYY-MM-DD" format. An unknown date has a "(?)" entry.
Details have a Type and a Description. Just enter part of a Description to find all similar records. In a location, for example, enter "NH" to include all towns in the state.

To trace a family, find Persons who are children by searching Details for the name of a parent (e.g., "Birth: Name of mother" or "Birth: Name of father").

By Source

To find a Source, click "List all Sources" on the Main (Welcome) page. Then scroll down for the desired Source.

To find Persons who are named in a Source, click the "Persons" icon next to the desired Source.

Search Results

The result of a Search is a list of Persons.

To see Events in a Person's life, click the "Events" icon next to the Person's name. The life history for a Person shows the Events that have dates and the Details that have descriptions.

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