
The Black Heritage Trail of NH (BHTNH) promotes awareness and appreciation of Black and African-American history and culture in New Hampshire. We do research and provide education about this history, from enslavement during Colonial times to the modern Civil Rights movement.

Historical records can be found in many original and secondary sources. This database is our directory to the people who are named in various sources. Our ongoing research will update this directory from time-to-time. Contents of this database are subject to change.

Information contained within is for personal use only and is not for re-publication.

We welcome participation by our community of historians, genealogists, and volunteers. Please contact BHTNH for more about how to participate and how to access the database.


Essentially, this is a database of persons. It records the names and lives of African and Black American individuals and families. For some, our record is only a single name or an enslaver's name. About others, we may know many demographic details.

A number of "details" may be associated with each person. These can include: geographic locations, employment history, church and civic affiliations, and more. This database allows searching to find people by names, by life events, or by details.

To search this database – or to add/edit data as a research associate – please see the Help topics. There is also a brief tutorial and a news page.

A copyright notice appears on every page.